Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

I never get tagged so I was so excited to see that my good friend Mia from the AMM Message Board Tagged me! Mia is an amazing scrapper and writes a column for Scrapbytes an online Filipino Scrapbooking Publication. You can check out Mia's blog at The Adventures of Mia McScrappy!

So, on to who I'm tagging! All you AMM Bloggers watch out - I'm tagging you ALL! That includes our lovely Design Team and you too Alison & the AMM Blog!

But let's make this fun! No only are you "tagged" but I want to know what is on your current scrapping wishlist? Give me a Top 5 of newly released or coming soon products that you just can't wait to get your hands on!

Here is mine:

1. Love, Elsie ZOE!
2. Basic Grey Obscure (technically I'm wanting to stock up on everything BG right now!)
3. Journal Revolution (this book is going to ROCK check out the blog here)
4. New Elsie Book!
5. PurlSoho ... Retro Fabrics.

So the last one may not count but I'm so ready to be in NYC and hit up PurlSoho. I have some friends wanting me to design some projects for them (shh it's a secret right now) and I can't want to get to this store! They have the best Japanese Imports and awesome retro fabrics. I am so excited to start finding my little places in NYC to get a TON of goodies!

So what is everyone else wanting these days? Consider yourself tagged if you are reading this!


Mia said...

Hey Mere! Glad to tag you sweetie! You got an awesome blog girl! Totally love your work!

Linda Woods said...

Awe, thank you! :)